we provide two services:
1-on-1 mentoring and webinars.

1-on-1 mentorship program
Our 1-on-1 mentorship program offers high school students the opportunity to matched with a university student who matches their program of interest, extracurriculars, and hobbies/interests. All mentee-mentor pairing is done by the Bridge to Campus team. Through personal online meetings, high school students are able to ask questions about university admissions, listen to anecdotes about university life, and overcome their obstacles.

Our themed webinars feature a panel of university students from various majors and faculties, who will be present to share their experiences about the webinar topic and answer live questions from the audience. We will hold two webinars per school semester; in the first semester, the webinars will focus on Canadian university admissions, and in the second semester, they will focus on the characteristics of top Canadian universities and how to pick the right school for you!